Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Engine Meet Stand

Finally got the engine up on the stand the other day, then promptly took it back off again. Need to grease the stand before a longer term connection.

Had to unbolt the clutch plate to get the engine onto the stand.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Cleaning in the time of Covid

I note with some dismay that I didn’t have any blog posts in all of 2019. I’m not dead and I haven’t given up on either this blog or the Mustang. I just didn’t accomplish much on the Mustang in 2019, though it was a very busy year in other ways.

Anyway, here he are in April of 2020 and I decided I REALLY wanted to get the Mustang cleaned off so I would be in a position to work on it some more.



Bonus tool hanging space I put together:

Not gonna promise more frequent updates or anything. Just hoping all of you are well and making progress on your own projects.