Thursday, April 9, 2015

Garage Workbench Build: Day Five

My Yost 750 DI bench vise arrived at Home Depot on Tuesday and I picked it up after dinner. That was the last thing I was waiting on before I could start working on the actual workbench.

I wanted to start work on building the workbench on Wednesday, but we had hail forecast so the garage was full of cars, leaving no room to work in there. I did pickup some bolts to bolt down the bench vise and some lag bolts for bolting the workbench to the wall on my way home from work, but otherwise I didn't get anything done on the workbench that day.  

Tonight I started building the frame for the bench itself and cut the plywood for the top.

First, I marked and drilled holes in the 2x4s for bolting the bench vise down, then routed the screws for screwing it together around those holes. 

I drilled 5/8ths inch holes since that was the size bit I have, but only bought 1/2 inch bolts. The mounting holes in this bench vise can handle a 5/8ths inch bolt, but those seemed huge at the store and I couldn't find lock nuts for them. I figure I will start with the 1/2 inch bolts and I can always upgrade easily later if I decide I need or want to. 

I am going to build my kids their own rolling workbench using this piece pf plywood for the top and bottom because they asked for a workbench for them.

This piece is going to be the top of the workbench. 

This piece will be used to put a solid side on the left end of the workbench. 

This weekend I am hoping to get the rest of the frame for the workbench put together and get it mounted to the wall.

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