Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Unloading the car and starting a YouTube channel

I unloaded the car from the trailer this evening after work. I then pushed her into a parking spot on my street and tried starting her a few times with a battery I bought yesterday and a can of gas sitting in the engine bay feeding the engine, she started but never ran for long. I gave up on driving her up my driveway into my garage and got some help from my neighbor to push her up the driveway into the garage. 

Here is a link to my YouTube channel.

Here is a direct link to the best video my wife took today of the car running.

Here are a few pictures I took today. 

Engine Bay with the can of gas sitting in her. 

Battery sitting on what's left of the battery tray. 

Lola sitting in the parking spot on my street. I have decided to call her Lola. 

In my garage. 

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